Fellowships/ Appointments
Spring, 2024
The Institute for Social Research (IfS) in Frankfurt, Germany - the birthplace of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory - is an internationally recognized site for critical research that works to examine prevailing social and political conditions with unrealized possibilities.
I spent time at the Institute as a visiting fellow in the Spring and Fall of 2024, and presented my ongoing project focusing on the importance of incorporating critical theory and reflection in the field of Communications titled Arguing from Within: Foregrounding Immanent Critique in the study of Communications .

Summer, 2023
The Pennsylvania Broadband Research (PBR) Institute aims to critically examine the political and economic dynamics of broadband policy at the state and federal levels. As the PBR Institute fellow, I work closely with leading scholars in the field through a collaboration between the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications at The Pennsylvania State University, and the MIC Center under the Annenberg School for Communication at The University of Pennsylvania. Scholars involved include Christopher Ali, Sascha Meinrath, Victor Pickard and David Berman.
I spent my summer working at the MIC Center under the Annenberg School for Communication in Philedelphia.
Summer, 2022
The Consortium on Media Policy Studies (COMPASS) program is administered by the Media, Inequality & Change Center (MIC) at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication and allows summer Fellows to gain experience at major national, non-profit institutions in Washington, D.C.
I spent my summer in Washington, D.C., and my internship placement was with Common Cause.

WPSU Board Member
WPSU is central Pennsylvania's Public Media provider, operating as both a PBS and NPR member station to a primarily rural population of 1.3 million Pennsylvanians.
I was nominated and elected as WPSU’s first student member on the Board of Representatives, and I sit on the government relations committee.
News Literacy - Penn State
Working with prominent scholars at Penn State campuses across the commonwealth, I have been involved in the Penn State News Literacy Initiative from the ground up. Collectively working to implement News Literacy as an essential skill for all Penn State students, the initiative works to bring together interdisciplinary university faculty and administrators, in addition to community leaders, public media representatives, and members of Penn State's news readership program.
I lead the News Literacy Ambassador Institute, which runs once a year and aims to teach high achieving Penn State undergraduate students the values foundational to news literacy, such as critical thinking, active consumption of news, and political and economic dynamics impacting the journalism industry today.


Milton Wolf Seminar
Emerging Scholar Fellow
Co-organized by The University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School for Communication, The American Austrian Foundation (AAF), and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (DA), the annual seminar addresses developing issues in diplomacy and journalism held at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.
The Emerging Scholar Fellow program selects outstanding advanced MA candidates, PhD students, postdoctoral students or law students studying areas related to the seminar theme to attend.
2024 Local Journalism Researchers Workshop
Co-organized by the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media & Democracy at Duke University and the Center for Sustainability and Innovation in Local Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the annual workshop brings together researchers across the academy, industry, non-profit, and government sectors whose work addresses contemporary issues confronting local journalism.
I received travel funding to attend the 2024 workshop in Durham, North Carolina.